Another new resident

A fine day weather wise, Lucy and I cleared an area for the new hutch. An area that had an old planter for vegetables but hasn’t been used for about 3 years and lots of potted plants. Once cleared we dug up weeds, wild strawberries etc and decided to go and buy some turf as all that was there was soil. We put some top soil down and flattened it the best we could and then laid the turf, just one roll short. I’m quite impressed with our endeavours.

In between this I also dropped my car off at the garage for them to do some work tomorrow and Mr C met me there to bring me home.

Found this little common lizard in one of the empty pots I was clearing. I’ve also added an extra of road we come along in Wimbledon with a wonderful view across London and the (green) tennis courts at the bottom.

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