Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’.......

A wet start, the rain running over the gutters at 5am then damp and misty all morning. You can’t beat Scottish summer weather. Not a silage day so went and brought the next lot of cows and calves in to wean. Kev decided to have a day off , but we managed despite being a man down.
The rest of the day spent hauling last weeks weaned heifer calves up the hill where they will hopefully stay till October. By this afternoon I had 7 loads done with the only mishap being meeting a low loader artic with a 360 digger heading for the sand quarry. He was bigger than me so I had to reverse a fair bit with my trailer load of cattle, but we got there eventually .
This photo isn’t brilliant but it shows a couple of runaway round bale of hay which have taken off, jumped the fence and come down a steep field of barley. We have all done it, but it’s always better when it happens to a neighbour too !

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