Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Advice to all wives when their beloved is suffering from Man Flu, also referred to as the common cold in certain instructions i.e. The W.I, Knitting Circles, nail get the picture!

When your man is suffering please follow these ten simple rules.

1. Hot whiskey.. Preferably a single malt bushmills.
2. Remote control for the tv (with fresh batteries of course)
3.Constant supply of freshly made finger food.
4. Peace zone with a 'NO NAGGING' zone.
5. No child zone.
6. When the rigors set in the partner must break out the baby oil for a massage (to keep the blood flowing of course)
7. Under no circumstances should you approach a sufferer with personal problems.
9 . Never compare 'childbirth' because it's not in the same league . Nor say "it's only a sniffle" because the psycoligical damage is fatal.
10. Guinness,Murphys are acceptable remedies.

By following these guidelines the sufferer just might get through this horrendus illness.

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