
By DrSandy

Clear out

After gym, continued with my BIG clear out.

I threw them away............ all of them, the pharmacology files, which I have not touched, since I left MGI.

It was seriously HARD.

Even though, I had not touched them and they are SO................ OUT OF DATE, both in terms of their content and their technology.

Nobody uses overhead projectors these days.  NO-BODY !

They represent a chapter of my life.  It closed, years ago, but by keeping the files around, I guess, I hadn't fully closed the chapter in my mind.

PS.  I would love to go back.  I LOVED teaching pharmacology, just didn't like all the other stuff that came with it : setting exams, marking exams, marking assignments.  And the stupidity  and entitlement of the students, I was teaching. 

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