
By tondrijfhamer

Waterfalls, dino footsteps and a city.

After yesterdays doing nothing we planned a sightseeing tour for today.
It would lead us to three places.

First we visited a beautiful area, called the ‘Gorges and cascades de la Langouette’.
We walked through a forest surrounded by lots of waterfalls. They all fell into a long narrow but very deep gap. An impressive sight. Difficult to get a good photo though. I tried a vertical panorama, but on the screen it doesn’t look half as impressive as it did in real.

I did get some nice waterfall shots. I had my tripod with me, but although it wasn’t very crowed, I was constantly in a hurry to keep up with the rest of the family and not blocking the path too long for other people. Looking at my photos on the screen I can see that I didn’t have the time to get the perfect balanced compositions. Maybe a bit of cropping can save them.
As always on these family holidays I find it difficult to make time, and take the time, for a proper landscape photography session. Most of the time I end up with handheld shots. It is what it is I guess. Not a real problem.

After the waterfalls we visited a site (near Loulle) were real footprints of dinosaurs could be seen on a rock plateau. We did see them, they couldn’t be missed because all of the prints were colored green, red, yellow, blue and pink. 
I suppose the prints were real (but in the back of my head I have some doubts) but because of all the stupid colors it looked very fake and Disney-ish. We all had a good laugh about it, and soon went on.

Our third and final destination of the day was the city Lons le Saunier. The city was a bit bigger than expected so before I knew it I was in the middle of heavy traffic heading for the town centre.
A parking was soon found and we walked further into the heart of this city. The centre didn’t have a car free area, so everywhere we went there were cars and trucks passing by, making it very noisy and busy.
It wasn’t what we’d hoped for, or maybe it’s because we’re getting to the end of the holidays. I sensed an atmosphere of ‘enough is enough’ and after a fish-and-chips-lunch (A burger for me) we walked back to our car and went 95 km back to the camping. We didn’t even visit the church in Lons le Saunier!

We arrived just in time for Bas and Daan to swim for a small 2 hours.

We’ve seen enough of the area. Tomorrow we’ll have our final relaxing day on the camping, and that’s about it. Tomorrow evening we’ll be packing our bags already and Saturday morning we’ll leave France.

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