Black Belt

It's actually a belt for a workman's tools, but AW bought it to support his lower back.  Highly recommended!  And I mean, really, highly recommended.  It took about three hours max to lay down the whole floor.  I helped by clearing away mess, taping the sheets of insulating foil, handing things to him, and making him coffee.  He took 5-minute breaks at certain intervals.  In the end, we were both satisfied with the results.

Some news from the Viking in MNL.  To make it short, it would seem that Jay is, shall we say, in hiding.  He is constantly on the move, has no fixed address.  At least, he has several addresses and none.  The Viking's Summons cannot be delivered.  Yet.  However, not all is lost because there is a way to go forward even if the other party does not cooperate.  More on this as updates come in.  I haven't been discussing it here, but the Viking has gathered ALL the documentation he needs.  I am very satisfied with his work, and with his accounting, too, as I have received his Statement of Account, with all his expenses in detail.  He's doing a tremendously good job.  If there is a moral here somewhere -- cherish your primary school classmates, as you never know when you need the legal services of their future husbands.

On the genealogy front, research continues.  If everything has to be finished in 5.5 years, I cannot waste time.  Not to overdo, of course, but to lean back and relax would endanger the project.  And to think it is only a hobby.  It will end one day, and I want it to end properly.

Looking at the shot ... I am SO proud of AW and his determination.

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