Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A busy day

A lot accomplished today. Not only was the hedge trimmed, but the grass was too. Phew!

JR went off for her double fitness classes at 9am, and I set to on the hedge and got the first bit done before she came back at 10am. Jordan arrived to take Archie out, and got the full crying welcome (from Archie, not me). They had a great time in the Hermitage, and lost another tennis ball.

Meanwhile, we carried on with the rest of the hedge - it's quite a job, and we can’t keep this up for too many more years. Well, I can’t...

Then we quickly got ready to hit the town for yet another free birthday month bottle of Prosecco, this time from well known pizza restaurant chain. We invited Rufus and his mum (to help with the Prosecco). Because it was a nice day, we could sit outside and bring the doggies. And most pleasant it was too. We even managed a coffee and miniature dessert.

The others then had a wander round the shops in Stockbridge, but our bus just arrived, so Archie and I came home, with a bonus dander across the Links.

Then, after a wee lie down, I surprised myself by managing to cut the grass. I do love it when it's all newly done. The hedge looks lovely too. I sat in the sun and started reading my new book. I am in awe of the amazing amount of research my bro has done for this book.

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