Old Lady Smell

Mr W and I took Bella for a walk to Reigate Priory Park today. She was as good as gold... not jumping at anyone, not barking at any children, ok maybe a little bark at the swans and staying close to us while we had our refreshments. She was so good that someone came over to ask how old she was and when I said 8 months, they were astounded at how well she was behaving. So lovely to hear.

Then their spaniel barked, wanting to play....and that was it. It all went to pot! They opened the barking lid and she barked all evening. At the TV, at the neighbours, at the fresh air....and everytime she barked, Mr W shouted "Jesus wept"... a particular favourite of his... and that then set me on edge and actually upset me.

He's convinced shes got a "screw loose" and needs a behaviourist. 


Anyway, he's gone out now to play squash. Hopefully he's taken all his frustration out on a ball and will come back in a better mood.

What actually didnt help his mood as well was the fact he has booked a secret holiday for my birthday in October but the company he booked with has gone bust today.... so no ore holiday. The trouble with it being a secret is that I can't help him sort it out. The Secret is still a secret even though its not happening!!!

Anyway - here is Bella posing in the Lavender at Reigate Park. I didn't even have to ask her to sit there - she just knew. And Mr W complained about the beautiful fragrance smelling like "old ladies". Rude. 

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