Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Hair today. Gone tomorrow?

Remember the Punk Pride event I went to last Saturday?

Well, despite always being a firm believer that ‘punk’ is about attitude not about any particular look, I decided to embrace the stereotype and gave myself a DIY haircut for the occasion.

This look was achieved by sticking a strip of masking tape to my head and shaving around it... It turned out rather better than I’d expected!

I’ve rocked the style for a week but I suspect I might get the clippers out again this weekend and even things up a little... so I wanted to record this brief moment for posterity!

In other news... Can you believe that it’s been almost a year since I had my hip replacement? I’ve been back to see my surgeon this week for a 12-month check-up and have been formally discharged. I won’t need to go back for a review for another 4 years.

The whole process was longer, harder and more stressful than I’d imagined it would be, but I think I’m now as close to full working order as I’m likely to get. I have no pain in my hip joint and my walking is almost back to normal. I can run for a bus and I can manage a rather graceless Downward Facing Dog or Child’s Pose. My scar is still uncomfortable and I still can’t lie very comfortably on my left side, but I think I can live with that. It’s much better than daily pain and having to use a walking stick. Big thanks to the NHS, and to all us taxpayers!

This morning I was up with the lark to perform my semi-regular gig as a newspaper reviewer on the BBC Radio Merseyside Breakfast Show. It’s something I’ve been doing every month or so for the past year and I absolutely love it, although I find it hard to believe that I’m actually allowed to talk nonsense to the listening public. I keep expecting to be ‘found out’, but I’m enjoying it while it lasts!

Here are the Television Personalities with one of the greatest songs of all time... ‘Part Time Punks’

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