Be mobile

By petaqui

The flying thing

I have had this bug for 3 years, and the truth is that it has traveled a few kilometers for what it should have done. It is always wonderful to observe the environment from above, something we are not used to.

But it's also awesome seeing from the bottom, like on my other shots of today.

Using a filter for underwater environment, a warm filter, creates an effect that seems as if the world were burning down in flames. Its needed a deeper point for the filter to show the real colors and not affect the light coming from the sky. The effect is cool, yes, the protagonist's leg seems amorphous, and it is just the coincidence of matching his arm and leg in the same line for the photo, and making it seem very strange.

Hace 3 años que tengo este bicho, y la verdad ha recorrido pocos kilómetros para lo que debería ser. Siempre es una maravilla observar el entorno desde arriba, algo a lo que no estamos acostumbrados.

También es interesante verlo desde abajo…

Es lo que tiene usar un filtro para debajo del agua, un filtro cálido, que si no estás a una profundidad decente, la luz parece que va a empezar a arder el cielo. Me mola el efecto, eso sí, la pierna del protagonista parece amorfa, y no es más que la casualidad de coincidir su brazo y pierna en la misma línea para la foto, y hacerlo parecer muy extraño.

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