
By sleepyduck

Happy Birthday to me!

Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday. Today you can wish me a happy birthday if you like :-)

Needless to say, there will be no partying for me tonight. Which is fine, as I didn't have anything planned anyway: it's pretty much impossible to have a decent celebration on a weekday. I think it's very unfair to expect people to work on their birthday... so at least I'm not working :-)

Three birthday cards is pretty much par for the course nowadays. That's about as many as I send in the course of a year. Not (just) because I'm a bad friend, but electronic communication is so much easier and more convenient for both sender and recipient, don't you think?

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit better today than I did this time yesterday: the pain is less constant and lees intense and I'm more mobile. If I'm really lucky, I might even get out for a wee walk (OK, a wee shuffle...) tomorrow... For today, some daytime TV, some snoozing and some blipwatching, of course :-)

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