Black Rabbit Gathering

Mr W, Bella and I met up with out Shit Mates at the Black Rabbit in Arundel. We often meet there as its half way between us both.

We all got there an hour earlier than our booked table so that Shirley and I could take Bella for a walk along the river and compare moans before we joined the lads who were already 1 beer down!!

Sadly the food was pretty awful today. I had Vege Meatballs which turned out to be 4 dried lumps of what looked and tasted like Stuffing balls. Pretty shocking for the hefty £14.50 price tag.

After eating, we adjourned to outside where we joined the wasps for another drink. Bella settled happily on my lap where she loves to sit and we whiled away another hour before saying our goodbyes. 

We are home now and Mr W has gone to the cinema with his daughter, Bella is sleeping peacefully at my feet and Daughter Number 1 is yet to return from her Boyfriends.

Ah. The Peace.

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