My 1st footie boots

Today was the day.........we took Johnny to get his first pair of astro turf boots before Saturday when there is a wee competition on. He joined his friends, Fin and Gordon at Busby Boys football club just before Christmas and loved it. Now as you know getting Johnny to show any enthusism is difficult but we seen a wee hint of it today!!!!

Granny and Papa bought his boots for him along with yet another orange football. Daddy and I bought him the shin pads, and the under armor to keep his wee legs and arms warm!!!! Well I am his Mammie, ain't I???

Tomorrow Big Johnny and I are going for a Spa day at the Blytheswood Square Hotel and Spa and then we are having a night in the hotel too.......Happy Anniversary Hubby! (it was actually on the 27th.

Megan is much brighter today but still easily tired out. Fingers crossed that she improves again by tomorrow.

Happy Birthday to Aunty Susan too (Big Johnny's sister) it's been her birthday today and she has been poorly too!!

See you all later.


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