Tiny Tuesday.....Another Bee

I thought I would get my Blip in early as rain heavy is forecast later, and indeed since I have been in the garden, the sky has darkened considerably. Still plenty of bees around, and very few butterflies.....no sign of the Painted Lady that everyone is talking about. Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting this month :)
Having a quiet day today. I started an online course sponsored by the NHS to improving my sleep pattern, and have been keeping a diary for two weeks. I have now been advised on methods to improve my sleep quality which involves getting up at 5.30am!! Horror of horrors!! I just couldn't. 6.30am was the best I could do, and I have to stay up until 12.00......a maximum of only 15 mins napping is allowed.  Apparently it has been proved to work, the course is called Sleepio if anyone feels the need to try it.

Thank you for looking in, very much appreciated :))

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