Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Cousins and Grandma

New Years Eve has been a good one. We started the day by going to the pantomime (oh yes we did!) We saw Jack and the beanstalk at the Mercury theatre, and it was fab. It was Miss Pink's first ever pantomime, and Master Pink's second. They both really enjoyed it. Master Pink was a lot braver this year, and we had a chat before the show about the characters only being pretend, so not to worry if there were scary bits, and he did really well. Miss Pink really enjoyed it, although was a little hesitant when the slightly freaky giant came out, so we snuggled up for a bit and that made everything ok.
After the pantomime we met up with Auntie and Uncle Pink and baby B, for lunch. Grandma and Master Pink gave Bay a bottle of milk while her mummy and Daddy ate their lunch. Master Pink is very smitten with his cousin, and enjoyed playing with her and making her laugh.
We went home for a rest and a play before getting into our fancy dress for a new years party we'd been invited to. Our friends had invited us to a "red carpet" party, so our interpretation of the invite was to dress up as toy story characters!! Miss Pink went as Barbie, Master pink as Buzz, and Mr Pink and I as Woody and Jess. The party was lovely, we met up with some old friends who we haven't seen for a while and it was great to catch up with them. Lots of fun, and the mini pinks managed to stay up until midnight!! It was a fab way to see the new year in.
A great day, friends and family. Perfect.

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