Dalt Vila

A day of all sorts, ending with Caña Club and then church in Sa Penya. As always, so so soooo good to be there. One of the women gave birth to twins today! In many ways there was actually a lot of heaviness up there tonight, but again, as ever, a privilege to listen and to pray. 
Then my day ended on an absolute high when I got a random message on Facebook from the son of a friend I used to work with! We were close for a long time and then jobs changed, phones broke etc etc...she doesn't have any social media and no friends in common any more... I've thought about her often, had dreams about her, searched the internet for her...and then last night I got a message from a random person (that I almost deleted thinking it was a virus!), and it was Sukhi's son!! He'd found me on FB! I am so elated! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Sukhi! And FB working wonders! 
2) Marcial sharing a dream of one day coming to visit our church in Sutton Coldfield!
3) Sharing life, and walking life, with such a rich variety of people. 

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