That's Life!

By Agan

Blowing Smoke . . .

Billowing plumes of smoke pour into the crisp winter sky from the massive and immensely ugly Halton Hills Generating Station on the outskirts of town. Is it safe? Yes, says TransCanada, operator of the 80-acre site, backed up the local councils that collect taxes from it. We're not so sure, say neighbouring homeowners and farmers, who are concerned about emissions from the plant that opened 18 months ago.

Like other good corporate citizens, the company called in their PR squad and started signing cheques . . . they've just donated $200,000 towards new multi-million dollar ice hockey arenas being built in town. And, even better, the local council is, "pleased to name a new rink the TransCanada Ice Pad, " the Mayor told the local rag.

Problem solved!

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