Back On Course

We had a worrying night as Kate phoned to say that Sophie hadn't been feeling well yesterday and had insisted on going to bed at 6 o'clock without any tea (most unlike her!) then woke up later complaining of a bad headache, being sick and running a high temperature. Around midnight Kate phoned again to let us know that the NHS Helpline had advised her to take her to the local hospital as she had come out in a rash as well. Fortunately, the doctor thought it was just some sort of virus that Calpol would keep under control but it was gone 1.30 before they got back home and any of us got any real sleep.

She woke up feeling a bit brighter but has still been feeling under the weather today.

I was back on the golf course by 8.30 for the first time in two weeks and hitting the ball much better than I have done of late; the trouble was that, for the first nine holes I was hitting it in all the wrong places - behind trees, in ponds (like the one in front of the 4th in the blip) or in ditches.

Suddenly on the back nine I rediscovered my sense of direction and repeated my trick of a few weeks back of taking just 39 shots for the last nine holes and ending up playing more or less to handicap. If only I could work out what caused the improvement!

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