
By Paladian

Well, you would, wouldn't you?

If you got an image like this - even though it's not the best technically, you would use it wouldn't you?

The colours are straight out of the camera, so you can see how blue the sky is.

The butterfly is a female Monarch, which I have been stalking round the garden for days. She is way, way above me, so the image is heavily cropped, and I've had to do a little bit of sharpening.

It is going to be very hot today - around 39 degrees I think, but the heat is very dry, so it's bearable. When it's this hot and humid with it, that's when I get a bit stressed. 42 tomorrow and then a coolish change for Saturday.

With air conditioners you cope, but I am nervous about bush fires - the National Park up the road will be closed for a few days for sure, and the Rangers will be patrolling it to make sure nothing bad happens. So many fires are deliberately lit, and the police are actively monitoring known arsonists.

So the upshot is that blips will happen either early morning or late afternoon. We don't venture out into the heat of the day unless it's a trip to the local shopping mall.

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