
By Cathaber

Hot, hot, hot

I've been in Java for a week now and I appreciate that my blips have been a bit impersonal so far - the climate here depletes batteries very fast so I've not dared go on at length.

But be assured that I'm having a fantastic time and have no regrets about coming. So far the mozzies have been very little in evidence, though when we're down on the plain, as we are just now, it gets very hot very quickly in the mornings, and just like a sauna.

This is Dodi, a charming young man who has been helping with our travel arrangements, bringing us fresh coconuts so we can drink the water. It's said to be reviving. I guess it did the trick. There must have been well over a pint of it in there.

Date: 02/01/2013

Sent from Samsung tablet

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