Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

A room with a view

Well, I survived my first day in my new job! Thanks for all the good wishes!

It's always a little odd to go to a new place of work for the first time but it was particularly strange today as I was the only one in the office!

It's a very small charity with only two staff members and my colleague, Sarah, is on leave until next week. However, she'd left me a card and some biscuits - which was lovely of her.

I'd been given a set of keys before Christmas so I was able to let myself in and find my bearings before getting down to work on the business plan which I need to present to my trustees at the end of next week...

One of the trustees popped in to see me this morning which was a very welcome gesture. Luckily, she found me hard at work on my draft plan and not looking out of the window with camera in hand!

Here's the view from my new desk.

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