#3 daughter’s birthday sunset

We kept the children amused in the pool till it was time for #3 daughter to get up and face the fact she was now 42.

We all went to Greve for the market which was disappointing as it seemed to consist mainly of polyester clothes, with one veg stall and a cheese one. We had a family lunch upstairs looking out to the square and the roofs of the stalls.

Nathaniel was too full for ice cream, and James had been to naughty so I took Thomas and Ella to get some. (£4 an ice cream, tasty though)

Back for the pool and a read. The Librarian by Salley Vickers. After kids’ tea we had a chocolate torte for the birthday.

I made some panzanella, an avocado and ricotta salad, and a lemon slices thing with mozzarella, plus the cold meats and cheeses to go with fizz. It was very hot again, but the sunset was gorgeous.

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