Plantação de árvore


This is Lionel, Chief Park Warden of Chimanimani Reserve, doing some symbolic tree-planting as part of a lively biodiversity celebration event in the district closest to the Reserve. A secondary school was the venue for several hundred students and members of the community to participate in theatre, presentations and games with environmental messaging as the theme. It was an uplifting day.

Back in Chimoio, according to partners who live here, the town may not be a ‘hardship’ posting any longer, but it is limited in terms of entertainment. A mutual friend, Will, who is doing his PhD research here, took me for dinner at one of the few swinging spots, Xerinho. Good music and tasty food if you can avoid the pig trotter lurking at the bottom of a pile of feijão.

I saw a Kim Cattrall quote that said: ‘I don’t want to be in a situation for even an hour where I’m not enjoying myself'. Agreed, and happily the evening in Chimoio did not fall into this category.

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