Richard P

By ricky_p

Meander Through Marchmont

The title of the blip is the name of a geocache near me. It is not a traditional box but a multi where you have to find a series of clues to then figure out where the final box is. As the name suggests most people would walk around for the 13 clues but i just scooted round on my bike.

Two of clues are lcoated on the street parallel to me, Arden Street. No. 17 Arden Street is home to Ian Rankin's fictional Detective Inspector John Rebus. Ian Rankin himself lived in no. 24 when he was a student. Across the road at no. 16 Arden Street was once the home of Polish General Stanislaw Maczec (1892-1994) who fought valiantly against the Germans in both WWI and WWII and then escaped to Scotland to create the 1st Polish Armoured Division, which he led into battle on D-Day. This was his house.

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