The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Path to Namche 3764m

We woke at 7.30am. Over twelve hours of sleep, and of Paul hasn't woken me I would have slept for much longer. After a small breakfast I felt terrible, headache and aching body. I slept for another hour but we needed to leave so we packed up and were gone by 9am.

We started the steady climb to Namche Bazar. It is one hell of a climb and it was certainly made harder by not feeling 100%, but we made it by lunchtime. After some soup I slept for another couple of hours and felt a lot brighter by 4pm! We mooched through the streets, looking at the houses and stupas. And Paul bought me some awesome trekking shoes! ;0)

After coffee and cake we headed back to the lodge, wrapped up warm and ate some dinner. Then we headed to bed...tucked up by 7pm!!!!!

PS. That's Everest on the left! ;0)

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