After last minute change of plans which meant I didn’t get to go into Athens with Annabel ( as originally told) I woke up with the right hump...like Alice the Camel song!!! Then a few tears....really missing home today and hot showers, being able to eat what I want an not off metal plates and drinking from metal cup....feeling like a prisoner!!! After a good swim and a few hugs felt better.
Then the chaos really started...our coach had broken down. A new one was on its way to collect half the children. I was told to go on the first bus but said I wanted to stay so wouldn’t get on it (such a rebel). In the end it proved to be a wrong decision as we were stuck for 3 hours!!! We missed lunch so the leaders bought lunch for everyone...that consisted of a quarter of a sandwich and 5 chips!!! Now I was homesick, grumpy and hungry...
#but ice cream helped cheer as all up. I bought these for the leaders. When we eventually got back at 4 we were offered watermelon for lunch!?£!@&!?!!
.....and breathe

After lessons we were amused by the camp doctor who Greek danced with a cup of water on her head....you can guess what happened!! The day ended with a laugh but I’m so glad it’s over.

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