
By PaulaJ


No time for plaque hunting today! Tree is down and all signs of Christmas have disappeared, stored away for another year. Beds are changed, furniture is rearranged and extra chairs are taken upstairs. So that's it - back to normal!! I can let the piles of books accumulate on the floor again.

As an excuse not to get on with the ironing, I went out to see what was happening in the garden. (Not as good an excuse as Jeanne's that the cat was on the ironing board, I might add!)

Around three o'clock every day, just as the light is beginning to fade, there is a huge amount of activity around the feeders, as the little birds try to fill up, to give them the energy to last the night. Birds everywhere. One day I'll learn how to capture them in flight. Meanwhile, here is the Coal Tit waiting, not very patiently, and watching intently for a space on the feeders. What I hadn't realised until recently was that the Coal Tit takes seeds and stores them until later, which is why we see them flit in and out, rather than hanging around like the others do. And yes this one definitely has blue legs. They are supposed to be grey and there was a bit of discussion about this last time I blipped a Coal Tit. But I can verify that this one has blue legs.

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