
By Mindseye


Our lovely spanish friend Agata has found time whilst on her whirlwind world tour, to come to stay for a few days, during her 2/3 weeks in the UK.

It was sunny when we collected her from the train station yesterday, rainy first thing this morning, but by the time we had driven north to the Lake District, it had finished tipping down and the sun came out at just the right time!

This was her first visit to the Lakes so you can imagine her awe and wonder, especially comi from somewhere so hot and dry.

Our first stop was beside Lake Windermere, at the little cafe in Ambleside, for one of their delicious blueberry scones, with jam and cream of course.......I abstained, but did have a little Pastel de nata, which was delicious with my coffee. You can see how impressed Agata was with her scone!

We headed towards our usual walk beside the lake, only to find it was flooded with all the recent rain......the lake had extended into the fields!! A walk along the road instead had to do.....the fighter jets put on a display for us as we walked, we heard them way before we saw them!

After a couple of hours looking around we headed to Stiles Cafe for a bite of lunch. A salad, a BLT and a tuna mayo jacket were ordered and devoured, all very nice!

Agaa and I haded up the hill a little to look at the waterfalls, which were particularly gushy, with all .the rain, whilst hub sat and rwad his paper...and rested his knee.

We "ambled" back ;-) having another drink enroute, giving the traffic time to ease a little, as we were in no rush to get home..... eventually arriving around 7.30pm.

An altogether lovely day out

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