Pussy Willow

Pussy Willow - an introduced species, and no doubt planted st OGH to remind them of their Home Country.  Which is all very well, but as with most exotics it has become an invasive weed, especially along creek lines.

Talking of weeds, Ollie is working up there today - he is clearing one of our biggest beds of periwinkle.  It's a massive problem in Belair NP, as well as in the Garden.  Once it's cut back we will poison the cut stems.  It has a very high resistance factor to glyphosate, largely because the leaves are thickly coated with wax.  So if we can get to the cut stems, we are on a winner.  There's nothing else in the bed to worry about.

We plan to make this our cool climate garden with rhododendrons, Azaleas and Camellias.

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