Moving Home

Hypericum athoum, a quietly pretty low, mat forming member of this variable genus.  A long way from home, hailing from the Northern Aegean region it is well adapted to cope with my dry soil and our warming climate.

The big reveal at the hospital this morning ..... I'll spare you the details but the scabs on my nose bare some resemblance to a child's grazed knee after a high speed spill from a bicycle!  It doesn't hurt and I'm told it's healing as expected.  I just have to keep it clean and well moisturised .... and avoid knocking it or worse.  

My final afternoon with Una, so tired today but still with a list of drawers for us to sort.  Reminders of David - she still misses him so much - and a photo of her first husband from so many years ago both brought a tear but my heart was broken by a prayer written by one of Jacinta's siblings after their father had died, asking God to let him come back so they could see him again.   I don't know if Una remembered putting it there but I didn't share it with her and left it where it was, tucked away at the back of  the drawer.   In a few days she will move to what seems an exceptional old folks home ..... we will continue to hold her hand there.

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