"You can Milk....

....anything with Nipples!". "I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?" - classic lines from Meet the Parents.

Funny the quotes that come to mind in certain situations.

Claire and I had an antenatal class which was quite dull and really not as good as it could have been. I'm sure explaining the do's and don'ts from an expert would be a better approach than asking questions amongst a load of strangers on their ideas of Breast Feeding. Some people get embarrassed in these situation....not me but some do. Someone nervously enquiring about cracked nipples could have been avoided if they just explained the things first.
Obviously if someone had further questions to ask, fair enough but when the Professional in the room starts everything with a question it's going to be a long night and is the wrong approach in my opinion.

The NHS is wonderful and I am very grateful for it but I'm sure they could save a lot of time and money if they approached these kind of appointments in a different way.

I'm not sure why men are asked to attend really, I'm sure the women in there could open up more without the unknown males in the room. Surprisingly there were almost as many men in the room supporting their partners. 

The journey continues.....

Mr Bo Hingles

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