
By awelsh

Feeling accomplished but also a bit silly that I've built Noah's Ark twice in the last few days! The first time I thought I'd managed to lose 5 pieces so I'd folded up the jigsaw (it was the kind that large bits of it stuck together) put it into the box intending to throw it out. This morning though I found the pieces on a shelf where I'd put them after I'd picked them up when they'd fallen out of the case when I moved it to my room so the puppy wouldn't jump on it. So I decided to do it all again today thankfully in a much quicker time. I'm going to have to leave the other puzzles till the next holidays as I'm guessing my boss wouldn't be impressed if I appeared to work a couple of hours late because I had been puzzling so late the night before. And obviously just doing a few more pieces before going in!

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