Zebbers in his room

I spent ALL DAY helping Zebedee sort out his room, we threw out 4 bin bags of rubbish, sorted out 2 bin bags of charity stuff, found a laundry basket full of dirty laundry and got rid of a drawer full of outgrown clothes, we also moved the furniture around and dusted and hoovered everywhere, just went to say goodnight to him and he isn't sure he likes his bed as much in it's new position, bleedin' kids!!

My beloved Gaydar Radio has been SOLD!!!!! without so much as a by your leave!
Presenters were told today and the last broadcast day is tomorrow!
I literally can't believe it!!!
I spoke to Phil Marriott tonight who is in shock as are we all, I will be popping in tomorrow evening en famille to pay my last respects.
I am totally gutted :-(

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