Normal life resumes ...

Late start to a quiet day at home with cats, engaged in settling in tasks (unpacking, ordering groceries on line, etc) after several weeks absence.  A pleasant evening then passed at the Deanery (when today's pic was taken - the lad was right in the middle of the shot I wanted to take, so took it anyway! - with limited success unfortunately, but no other pic was taken) with neighbour friend colleagues for the 'welcome to new teachers' picnic in the Headmaster's garden. One such 'newbie' is Celeste, who isn't, of course, 'new' at all  but is merely returning after a spell elsewhere. So glad to say 'welcome back'. 

Afterwards I realised today's pic works for #world photography day, and mono monday - today's theme being 'middle'; thank you to 60plus for hosting the challenge.

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