
By Angelique


Most of you know our dear Bengal Shelley.  I never used to be able to take a close up of her but now she is completely blind she is more docile.

She loves to be outside and has certain favorite places that she finds by smell.  Her hearing is very acute and loves to try and catch anything that flies.  We have to be careful though as she doesn't understand that a bee or wasp will sting her.

Recently we have had lots of dragonflies.  There must be a pond nearby somewhere as the air was full of young ones which must have just emerged.

The odd rain shower but otherwise a nice sunny day.

Had a rehearsal this evening of the play Ghost Train.  I am playing a doctor but not really as I am a German in disguise.  The play is being aired beginning of October so we are supposed to be learning our lines.  I am not finding it easy!!

Nearly bed time so sending hugs to you all. xxxxx 

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