Late Lavender

After three hours sleep l was wide awake by 3:30am so came downstairs and decided l wouldn’t go back to bed to try and break this current spell of insomnia.
Watched something on Netflix and pottered about.
When Mr P got up before 7:00am l was still wide awake so we had breakfast.
Will now try and resist a Nana nap till midnight.

Mr P went off for a run.
I took photographs of the butterflies in the garden until Rebecca called in after dropping Verity and Kitty off at the Ilkley Dance Summer School.
Over coffee we worked out how much l owed her for hotels, trains and theatre tickets when we go to see Ruby dance in Birmingham and London in a couple of weeks.
I wrote her a cheque, don’t seem to do many of those these days.

When Mr P got home he had a shower then we went to meet his brother for a coffee and then we did a Costco shop.
All put away now.
I’ve been a bit quiet on here for a while.

A dear good friend of ours for nearly forty years died very suddenly just over a week ago - too young at only 53.
Yesterday we went to his funeral which was attended by hundreds : a testament to the lovely, generous, gentle, and kind man he was.

The butterfly is for you T.

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