The Lady of Oplontis

was 30-35 years old when Vesuvius erupted 1,940 years ago. This resin cast shows her choking to death on fine ash. I don't know how, but through the resin you can see her bones. On one outstretched arm is a bracelet and she is clutching a small purse. When she tried to escape, she also took with her a bronze jug and a small basket containing coins and jewellery. 

She's on display at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford at the moment and the notice next to her says, Near her stomach is a string of cheap blue pottery beads. When she ran she took these as well as her gold jewellery. Why? Could they have been a present from a child, perhaps?

If I thought I could outrun molten lava I would take the necklace of blue beads my daughter gave me too.

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