A Gaggle of Girls

I have been working hard on my photos for this year, trying to sort them into folders, thin them out and upload into a photo book I do yearly. The trouble with having a beautiful Puppy is that you have FAR to many pictures to sort through!!

But one thing I did realise was the distinct lack of pictures of Mr W's family. Erica hates pictures being taken and has complained in the past that I put pictures on Facebook so I think I just decided not to bother taking any, but that's just not my nature. I love taking pictures and feel I need more of Mr W's grandchildren.

And today I managed that with a trip to Tilgate Park with them all. 

It was also a great opportunity to help get Bella used to little children again and after an initial reluctance to be stroked by them, she coped well with Ellie and Emelia.

I also got to see little Isla again who is now 7 weeks old.

Bella is now crashed out and snoring like a trooper while Mr W gets some work done and I fiddle about with more pictures.

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