Random Vandalism.com

The Christmas present from His Lordship of a dressing gown which turned me into a rotund brown bear straight out of a fancy dress party has been swopped for a slimline one which is less enhancing of my fat bits.

I have to admit that I chose the original one thinking it to be extra cosy, but there is so much cosy you can do before you look like a furry ball wrapped round with a belt.
It had the same effect as these towelling robes provided at spas which reduce everyone, save the size 6 women, to walking mountains.

And so I am now the proud owner of its replacement, a mid blue fleece one with a zip down to my ankles. While I wouldn't go as far as saying I look alluring in it, it is a distinct improvement.

My blip has nothing whatsoever to do with what I have written but I wouldn't consider posting a blip of myself in either of these dressing gowns just for a cheap laugh. I'm far too sensitive for that.

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