
By Houseonahill6


This is the sax player , Lee Thompson, who has been with the band Madness for 40 years, yes , I know 40 years, how can that be ! I ‘ve grown up with Madness from watching them on Top of the Pops, singing along to their music and tonight we went to The Northern Meeting Place to see them.Really great gig and a great crowd joining in and wearing an assortment of hats :)
I was disappointed though as the reason I can go to an outside concert is because there is a pavilion where you can sit down but, new for tonight you had to upgrade your ticket and pay £10 to get in , the tickets were already quite expensive so paying another £20 was out of the question. I did manage to get down on to the ground, not easy because of my RA , I knew I would be in pain if I had to stand for 4 hours.Managed to get up ok as we were in front of some barriers so I could pull myself up.
The Puffin Pool with Anne first thing.She has relatives from Australia staying with her so has had a busy week.
Saw the boat in the extra coming along the Firth so quickly went down to get a few photos.Very Windy and it was struggling to get along.This song seems right for us just now, although it did stay dry during the event.

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