RHS Hyde Hall - decaying water lily leaf

A lovely warm sunny day so we went to Hyde Hall, arrived as it opened, spent the first hour wandering through one of the craft tents (extra first one) these birds are ceramic.  We then walked up the hill for a coffee and to look at the Essex Photographers exhibition.  Second extra is a view on the walk down and third is a beautiful lily.  Back at the craft show the first thing we saw were these huge dragons, they were fabulous but unfortunately difficult to take a photo of with the sun and the size!  I've added the last two extras of the head of one and the man's name, doesn't have a website yet but on facebook.  I took so many photos and so much to see, some really different ideas and I could have spent a fortune!  Did have a taste of a fig balsamic vinegar, super delicious.

Went to our favourite garden centre for lunch.  Popped in to see A on way home.  Cleaned out the fish pond, not planned but it happened!  Then sat down and enjoyed an icecream

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