
Odd day. There’s really very little left to be done in the flat now, so we’d planned on a walk on the beach this morning since the weather forecast was so lovely. Set off fairly early but as we approached Porty the haar was getting thicker so we decided to go for breakfast first until it burned off. Delicious bacon and egg roll with kimchi (sounds odd, tasted delicious!) and coffee, but seemed to have the same effect on S as last time we were there and thought she had a caffeine allergy (even though this time she had de-caff) we turned back from the beach and came home. Did some more sorting and packing and taking to the charity shop then some surfing (just how many doorknobs and ceiling lampshades are there in the world?!) as well as catching our last show - Birth - a mime show at Pleasance Courtyard. It was good (thoughtful, clever use of props and movement) but perhaps a little long. The courtyard was baking hot and people were wandering around looking a little dazed given the combination of hot sun and total exhaustion!
Later I dropped S at the station and headed to the new place to take another case load of clothes etc. Those stairs are steep with a heavy case!
Home and the last of the fireplaces was collected then I felt at a loose end. Can’t seem to settle to anything and yet can’t relax either. Wrote a few (more!) lists...tomorrow will be a busy day!

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