Drachenburg Castle, Bonn, Germany

Schloss Drachenburg - Dragonburg Castle

The day trip began at about 11.20, and the original intention was limited to Poppelsdorf Palace and the Bonn Botanical Gardens.  The palace is under renovation but I don't think I missed that much as I have seen those at Brühl, Bedburg Hau, and Juechen (Jüchen).  The botanical gardens belong to the University of Bonn and it is summer, so there is minimal care at the moment.  If you ever visit Poppelsdorf, parking is rather difficult as most of the areas close to the palace are designated for the local residents only.

After Poppelsdorf, which I finished at about 16.00, I thought of heading home and reaching the front door by 19.00, but I soon realized I was on the wrong side of the motorway, especially when I had to cross the Rhine.  While crossing it, however, I realized that I now had the singular opportunity to look for Drachenburg Castle and the Drachenfels peak, which I'd tried to do earlier this year but failed because I could not find a bridge between Remagen and Bonn.

First, I drove up the wrong hill, the Petersburg, and discovered a rather expensive-looking hotel at the top -- Steigenberg Hotel.  Not wanting to think I went up for nothing, I parked and took shots of the old St. Peter's chapel, built in 1764.  In fact, I went up that hill twice as I couldn't find a parking area the first time.  The second time down, it took me three rounds in the village to find the steep road going up to Drachenburg.  There is a public swimming pool at the foot of the hill and cars aren't allowed up that way, so parked my car and trudged up the hill.  It became quite steep the higher it went, and suddenly, there it was.  It was now near 18.00 and the castle was to close at 19.00, so I made good use of the time.  It's a beautiful castle but actually quite new -- 1882 to 1884.  Gothic aspects combined with Teutonic motifs, beautifully maintained.

After the castle, up the hill further to the remains of the old Drachenfels fortress, reduced to two tower ruins, but with a spectacular view of the Rhine and the villages along that portion of the river.  Confirmed -- there is no bridge across the Rhine between Remagen and Bonn.

Tried to phone AW but he forgot his mobile at home.  No problem.  Did take a wrong turn at one point and ended up in the centre of Bonn, something I didn't want, especially as the sun had long set and I couldn't recognize landmarks.  Finally found motorway 565, but some road construction work obscured the correct exit and I found myself on the 59.  No idea now where I was but I just kept on driving and reading the signs, and finally found myself on the 3, and that was good because I knew it led to 40, and 40 is the motorway that leads from Duisburg back to The Netherlands.  Got home about 5 minutes to midnight ... and AW turned his key in the lock about 2 minutes afterwards.  He'd been to his Friday bridge evening with the boys.

Quite a Friday adventure!  Two extras -- the Drachenfels hill and the Rhine.

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