A blue sky day!!

We chose to spend today at Newark Air Museum and take Amber, as it was supposed to be a bit cooler!!!! .......got that wrong, it was even hotter today. I was aware in advance that this is my 3000th blip, so I wanted something different to my regulars....flowers, hedgehogs or Amber. 

I was delighted to see that an old friend of mine was open for inspection. I first became next door neighbours to the Vulcans at Scampton, in the early '70's. They disturbed my sleep as they shook the house on takeoff and landing, also were the reason why my new husband of days would suddenly disappear on exercise and reappear with equal surprise.

I had the chance to see inside the tiny cockpit area back in 1971, but was talked out of the idea. Today I did it !!!! The space for 5 crew is cosy to say the least. The 20 minute talk by an ex Vulcan pilot was most informative..

Getting in was interesting, climbing up the steps (in extras) was a challenge but I made it. I now realise why my new husband wasn't keen for me to shin up the steps in the '70's, the era of the mini skirts!!!

Cheers to all blippers :0)

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