Action Time Vision


BuganBusBlip #1

This is a theme that may recur in my Blips - bugs and busses.

I love them. Don't own one, never have and probably never will but that doesn't preclude me from liking them.

I've got loads of wee toy cars and things about so may Blip some of them in the times ahead.

I even like a cool T25 if done nicely, in fact I'd rather have a water cooled custom 25 for fincancial reasons but the only thing I'm not convinced about are the new style Beetles however I am not completely ruling them out.

At least they are made by Volkswagen unlike the BMW Mini (how is your power steering?!).

I used to have a Mini I built from various bucket jobs so have to confess to being a bit of a Mini purist.

Love to see Blips of anyone's 'Dubs.

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