Sparkling Almond

I collected my serviced/repaired sewing machine and the bank balance is now lighter by over £240. I think several projects are required to justify the expense!

To regain our composure we then took a walk by the River Almond from Cramond so at the weir I tried a few Scene settings on the TZ80; this one is called Glistening Water. It seems to work well enough but I don't like the way the different Scenes are offered, having to scroll through all the daft options ('Appetising food! Cute Dessert! Sweet Child's Face!) before reaching the desired effect, whereas my two previous TZ Lumixes (should that be Lumices?) displayed them as a page or two of thumbnails to scroll to L/R and U/D.

Rather like the sewing machine, there are far more options than I need or desire.

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