Making Hay

This morning was a little frustrating. I accidentally went to the wrong site - I had my days mixed up. Then drove to where I needed to be, realised I'd left my laptop behind and had to go back. 

In the end, the meeting went well. I've had a busy afternoon trying to catch up with jobs - part of which has been about communicating the key messages coming out of meetings. I think we need to focus more on giving feedback appropriately. I was thinking that this afternoon. I was emailing part of the team to let them know that some of the change work they had been doing was appreciated. We don't spend enough time letting people know when their work went down well.

Stopped off briefly on the way home to photograph these hay bales, conveniently by a large layby. Well, you have to photograph hay bales this time of year....  I'm sure there is a protocol about that somewhere...

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