Marsupium Photography

By magi

Stop the Coup

What a day! It's hard enough to work on updating my lecture but today's events proved to be too distracting. The queen agreed to suspend Parliament so that the government can get its no-deal Brexit. So here we are, a non binding referendum on Brexit where no-deal was never contemplated, no legal safe guards required, the campaign fought on false promises and outright lies, to restore sovereignty; after 3 years of faffing about and laying the foundations for a new Windrush scandal; a hard right faction of the Tories are crashing the country out of the EU to the detriment of the majority and gain of a few. I am German, and my colleague used to prod me about not mentioning the war. Sometimes it is necessary to do just that, when history repeats itself. Suspending Parliament is never a good idea. It's awfully close to establishing a dictatorship. This is what happened in 1933 in Germany. We should not let it happen again in the UK. All the while our planet is burning and we are being screwed by the disaster capitalists. The autumn of discontent has started.

So, no I wasn't very productive today.

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