Blue pyjamas

Taxi came very early and I was still bumbling around emptying compost toilet. So forgot nightshirt.

However I was given this fetching paper outfit. I had a single room, TV and WiFi.
Feeling dreadful after the 5 day diet and then the all night "purge".
Hospital totally confused by my 2 different admissions and kept ringing different departments and put wrongly numbered identity tag on arm.
It took my mind off the procedure anyway.
When I was on trolley ready to go in, there was a question over the anaesthetic and I had to make on the spot decisions.
So had general today. All OK with that scarey part. Results OK from one exam and need biopsy results from second.

Long wait back in bed, then given breakfast at 16h.

Wheeled off underground to next building by porter who asked me if I'd seen news. Of course he meant the complete debacle in UK. What can you say?
Funny I suppose as we were shouting (he was behind me pushing wheelchair) in huge echoing tunnel under hospital about Johnson and wreck of a country.

Now in second room, had nice meal and trying hard to sleep. Outlook is for no breakfast again tomorrow before next procedure.

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