Fathers & Sons

Up to that John Lewis as one of my birthday gifts (a plum coloured pair of swimming trunks if you must know) is shall we say, slightly on the snug side. 
Transaction successfully completed, it was chores, dentist, and then a meeting of Wardie Beachwatch over at the Gunpowder Store to look at getting bins in place at the beach entrance with MsKB.
And then to the Diggery Dogs, via Saughton, to meet up and reminisce about our cycling trip and bore the McC’s. We even discussed politics. Prorogation is the word on everyone’s lips. A few weeks ago, it was a word no one knew, but now we’re all quite expert on proroguing parliament. Given they’ve had three years to get it sorted, I’m not wetting my knickers, plum coloured or otherwise, about it.

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